So you have a long dated spread on, have used a large portion of capital in your[…]
“What if I get assigned on my short UVXY Calls?” is a common concern for options writers.[…]
As a weekly option seller, I am most concerned about the statistics for a Friday to Friday[…]
As a habitual naked Call contract writer in UVXY, I am often asked how I did during[…]
Before registering with the SEC, I would share every UVXY trade I made on Twitter to solicit[…]
Shorting requires a holder shares to allow them to be lent (in exchange for a borrowing fee)[…]
(And from $40 to $2,400,000,000) After backing out UVXY’s 10 reverse splits, the initial price at inception[…]
Every shorter of volatility has asked at one time or another if there is an effective way[…]
On my live screen I always have the following charts up: UVXY, /ES, VIX, /VX M1, and[…]
Markets hedge uncertainty and hedge buying sends the VIX index higher. Some future events can hold significant[…]